Get Involved!

There are many opportunities to get involved within our band program. Donating your time to the various volunteer opportunities that we offer helps build community among our families and dramatically impacts the quality of experience that we're able to offer students. Listed below are several great ways to get involved:

Knights Band Boosters Facebook Page

Volunteer Committee

The Volunteer Committee coordinates the volunteers and donations needed to successfully run multiple events throughout the year. These events require approximately 900 volunteer hours combined to operate successfully! We will be happy to answer your questions and recommend volunteer positions for you. 

We also need additional committee members!  Please contact the Volunteer Committee Chairperson, Desiree Mitchel, at and be sure to sign-up for the boosters email.

Uniform fitting/alteration

There is a significant need for volunteer help in sizing students and making alterations to uniforms, particularly during band camp. Please contact Angela Skalka to communicate interest in helping.


Have an interest in photography? We need people to assist with capturing our students in action, particularly throughout the marching season. Photos of band camp, stadium practices, football games, contests, and more are needed to document each year. Please email Desiree Mitchel if you are interested in helping at

Marching contests

The Knights Band Boosters host two marching contests throughout the fall marching season. These events generate significant funds to help supplement the annual budget. Click here to view the events and their respective dates and be sure to sign-up for the Knights Band Boosters e-mail list.

Wild Willy's Fireworks Stand

This fundraiser has generated over $10,000 each year and requires hundreds of volunteer hours from our families to help make it successful. Click here to learn more about the specific help needed.